Dennis Avi Lipkin, alias Victor Mordecai, is a popular author and lecturer on Israel and radical Islam. Born in New York, Mr. Lipkin made aliyah (immigrated) to Israel at the age of 19, graduating from the Hebrew University in 1971. A former officer in the IDF (Israeli Defense Force), Mr. Lipkin has held several military and governmental positions in Israel. He also has experience in business, as well as Israeli politics, and is an engaging, dynamic speaker. Since 1990, Mr. Lipkin has been lecturing in synagogues and churches all over the world, as well as appearing often on radio and television interviews. He travels to the US often, and is the author of 4 books and numerous DVD's, including the books "Is Fanatic Islam a Global Threat?" and "Christian Revival for Israel's Survival". More information can be found at
Mr. Lipkin is married to Rachel, who works in Israeli media, and they have 2 sons, Aaron and Jacob, as well as 4 grandchildren. Avi is currently running for the Israeli Knesset, heading a new political party known as the Judeo-Christian Bible Bloc ("Gush Hatanakhi" in Hebrew).
Mr. Lipkin graciously agreed to do an exclusive interview with ROC regarding the current situation between Israel and Hezbollah. He joined us from Jerusalem, and here are some of his thoughts on the issues that Israel faces today.
Sarah: Thank you so much for your willingness to talk with us about some of the major issues affecting Israel at this time. On July 12, Hezbollah kidnapped 2 Israeli soldiers and killed 3 while they were patrolling the Israeli/Lebanon border, provoking a brief yet fiery war between the two countries. Who is Hezbollah and what is their goal? What do they want from Israel?
Mr Lipkin: Hezbollah is a fanatic Shi'ite Islamic organization representing the Shi'ites of Lebanon. They are proxy soldiers for Syria and Iran and their purpose is to promote the agendas of Syria and Lebanon at the expenses of the Sunni Moslems and of course, regarding Israel, the destruction of the Jewish State.
Sarah: Many world leaders have condemned Israel's response to the kidnappings. Was Israel justified in their offensive? Why or why not?
Mr. Lipkin: As for the world's criticism of Israel's response to the kidnappings, Israel does not make its decisions based on "what the world will say" but to ensure the security of its citizens whether in uniform or not. In addition, hundreds of Katyusha rockets were fired all along the Israeli/Lebanon border on that July 12th. It was indeed an act of war against Israel, not just a kidnapping of soldiers.
Sarah: As an Israeli, how do you feel about the end result of this war? Did Israel accomplish their objective? Are you pleased with the outcome?
Mr. Lipkin: Personally, most Israelis were very dissatisfied with the results of the war because it was not a military victory. The IDF issued conflicting orders to its troops on the ground and we kind of muddled through. On the positive side, we knew that no matter how many lives of our soldiers we sacrificed, we eventually would have to retreat from Lebanon, so the emphasis was definitely on not losing soldiers. But our Air Force performed superbly and took out much of the Hezbollah infrastructure in Lebanon. Most importantly, the world is now helping to occupy and control the Israeli/Lebanon border, much to the chagrin of the terrorists.
Sarah: On August 14, UN Security Resolution 1701 officially declared a ceasefire to the war. How do you believe this will affect the situation? What exactly does the resolution entail?
Mr. Lipkin: Resolution 1701 was exactly what I was referring to in question 3. The world is now involved and very unhappy with the Hezbollah behavior. Israel was begging the Lebanese government to extend its control of their sovereign territory down to the Israeli border for 40 years. Now the Lebanese army has come down to the Israeli borderline together with the UN troops. We see this as an achievement.
Mr. Lipkin: Russia's Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov announced today that the two kidnapped soldiers are in good condition.
Mr. Lipkin: As for foreign opinion, I think it is a given today that the world, led by the US, the West and then even the Sunni Moslem countries realize that Iran was behind the war in Lebanon and that Iran is responsible for much of the instability in the region today. One can even remember that Sunni Moslem countries during the early part of the war blamed the Hezbollah and Iran and not Israel. Iran today is trying to impose its hegemony on the Sunni Islamic world and the latter indeed resented this needless war in Lebanon. It may be that some doors in the Sunni Muslim world are now opening to Israel as a result.
Mr. Lipkin: Is the war over with the Hezbollah? Obviously not. The Hezbollah have announced that their men are still on the Israeli border with guns, that they are rearming and the UN is powerless to stop them. The Syrians are also threatening a war to retake the Golan Heights and the Hezbollah is seen as an allied army of Syria in an overall confrontation with Israel.
Sarah: What are your thoughts regarding the UN? How has it affected Israel's war against her enemies? Is the UN justified in their handling of the situation between Israel and Lebanon?
Mr. Lipkin: The UN has never been a friend of Israel, but I like I said before, it was Iran that instigated the war in Lebanon, and most countries, including Sunni Muslim ones support UN efforts at preventing another war between Lebanon and Israel, all this through UN auspices.
Mr. Lipkin: Ahmedinejad is a faithful representative of a crazed, rogue, criminal leadership of a country which used to be allied with the US, Israel and the West and now threatens the world with a nuclear program as well as being a sponsor of international terrorism.
Mr. Lipkin: The US must support Israel because Israel is an ally of the US. Israel was always there for the US during the Cold War with the Soviets. Today, Israel is the land-based "aircraft carrier" for the US military in the Middle East. The US and Israel are the only real democracies in the world based on God's word the Bible. "I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you." (Genesis 12:3)
Mr. Lipkin: Israel and Jews have always been much the target of animosity throughout the world for millenia just as there is much animosity to the US in many parts of the world. I think this is because both the US and Israel share God as the basis for their civilizations and all those who hate God will therefore hate the Jews and Christians.
Mr: Lipkin: As for peace in our time, I see the war between Israel and Islam or the West and Islam or the entire world and Islam as a war between God and Satan, Islam being Satan. There will only be peace on Earth when Islam is defeated and banned forever. This can only happen together with a Christian Revival globally and a strengthened Jewish State of Israel.
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